3 Tips to Protect Your PEO from Fraud

19 January, 2021

Illustration of a network in a lock.

Even before the pandemic, professional employer organizations (PEOs) were at high risk for payroll fraud. The uncertainty brought on by COVID-19, however, could lead to a rise – with research suggesting that fraud tends to increase during times of economic instability. This means that PEOs...

Tips for Service Bureaus: Approaching HCM as a Marathon—Not a Sprint

09 June, 2021

Whether you’re an administrative services organization (ASO) or a professional employer organization (PEO), you’re used to helping your customers adapt. You understand new regulations overnight. You respond to crises in real time. You learn new software and then immediately train others. You seek lo...

How to Talk to Your Clients About Applicant Tracking

10 May, 2021

Applicant tracking is a crucial component for organizations that wish to create more efficiency in their new talent hiring process. With the right software in place, your clients can automate otherwise manual and time-consuming tasks as they move applicants from one stage of the recruitmen...

Helping Your Clients Understand Performance Management

30 June, 2021

Thirty-two percent of human resources (HR) leaders are planning to invest in performance review technology this year according to data from isolved’s Transforming Employee Experience report. However some employers, particularly small businesses, can struggle with understanding the importan...

5 Benefits a Learning Management System Offers Your Clients

23 June, 2021

Employee training and professional development opportunities have become increasingly important in recent years. In fact, learning opportunities were identified as the top engagement initiative that employees would like to see from their employers in isolved’s HR Trends study.  When addres...